Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Gangnam style

We only have one more sleep until Fancy Dress. We just love to dance in Room 2 and we are always eager to learn some new moves. Check out this mother and son!

Diagram explaining the Animal Kingdom

Classification of Animals Chart

Animal Classifications

Over the past two weeks we have been exploring texts about dinosaurs. We know that good readers ask questions when they are unsure about the meaning of what they are reading. We have come across words such as reptiles, mammals and amphibians. We all knew they are types of animals but for many of us we still had questions about what makes these animals different from one another. Here are some video clip we watched to help us try and clarify our understanding.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Room Two Disco's the Night Away

Last night we had a disco at the hall to raise money for our Year Six Camp.Most of Room Two came along and had an awesome evening. Quite a few of us had dance offs with one another. We think Mrs Donnelly held her own in the face of pretty impressive competition. Maybe we could challenge the other Year Six classes to a dance off??

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

More Sock Puppets

Here are some more Sock Puppet shows that we have created to show our thinking.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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Saturday, 15 September 2012

Good luck to our Rippa Rugby Team

Today Reuben and Maddi and the rest of the Rippa Rugby Team flew to Wellington to play in the National Rippa Rugby Tournament. Good Luck guys! Here they are at Fridays' assmebly with Rugger and the members of the Poverty Bay Rugby Team.

Hurricanes are the Champs

Maddi, Jake and Sonny are members of the Hurricanes football team who won all three competitions this year.Here they are at assembly collecting their winners medals. Congratulations!

Pre historic Animals

This week in reading we are going to explore how the group of living things we have in this world have changed over long periods of time.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Mangapapa Fancy Dress- A Good Night!

We only have two weeks to go until the Fancy Dress. The whole school is enjoying learning a dance to Reece Mastin's A Good Night. Room Two are making it their mission to learn all the lyrics as well as the dance moves.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Punctuation can make a big difference

When we read something we need to be mindful of punctuation. Punctuation is a very powerful tool. It is used to help create meaning. Have a look at this clip.It will make you realise we need to stop and think about punctuation when we read and write.

Using context for meaning

This week in reading we are learning how we can used context clues to work out the meaning of words. Yesterday we learnt that we can look for clues amongst words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs to help us with our understanding.( Syntactic clues) Syntax is how words are sequenced to convey meaning. Can you spot the difference in meaning between these two sentences. The boy sat in the chair with the broken arm. The boy witht the broken arm sat in the chair.
Look how re-arranging these words creates different meaning. I can run fast. Can I run fast?

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Another explanation of Summarising

Madison and Niko had a lot of fun with the Puppet socks app too!

YouTube Video

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We have been learning to use Puppet Socks on the i pad. Our task was to explain what summarising in reading is. Locklyn and Lauren got the hang of this app quickly.

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YouTube Video


What have been popular toy trends for kids?... at AnswerGarden.ch.

Incredible 3 year old cup stacker

Kids of all ages love trends that involve skill and competition.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Rubik's Cube

In the 1980's everyone had a rubiks cube. Have you ever tried to use a rubiks cube? The world record is 5.66 seconds! I don't know how that is humanly possible but it has been done!!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Chatter Rings

Chatter Rings have become all the rage at Mangapapa School. We did a little investigating and found out that they are also known as Jitter Rings. We found out that NZ has an official Jitter Ring site which says that their Jitter Ring is an original design chatter ring, first introduced in New Zealand in 1996 as the Wonder Ring. It has also sold in Australia, Germany, UK, Israel, USA, Hawaii, Singapore and Japan. The Art of the Jitter Ring is all about making moves. In the hands of a novice, even the World Famous Jitter Ring is just plain heavy metal. But in the hands of a pro…it will cry and sing! Check out this What Now video clip.